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Keeping YOU and YOUR CARE first through Electronic Medical Records at LCOA


By Julie Eversole, Operations Manager

Electronic Medical Records have been a significant part of our healthcare system for over ten years; we at Lung Center of America, as many, were hesitant to transition to this system for many reasons with “computer verses patient needs” being at the top of our list.

We have heard much feedback from patients regarding electronic records such as the change in eye contact with their provider and increased staff multitasking verses attention to them.

Our concern was that there would be a change in the doctor-patient relationship, your satisfaction with our care, and your perception of our attention to your care. Keeping our time with you individualized while balancing electronic needs was the issue to be tackled.

Our result and approach is not unique; and not industry standard. Many professionals would say that our process is not efficient and should not be duplicated.

The clinical team takes great pride in completing much of your work verbally or in notes with you directly verses inputting computer information while in the room. There are some instances that dictate that your records be updated while we are with you, but we try and minimize the practice.

Dr. Wagshul follows the same process – attempting to exam and review items with you without the computer; many of you have commented on this method and your comfort with it.

We have found that the electronic transition has positives for your care; electronic prescription refills speed your replenishment and lessen our time in processing; referrals for additional testing and care are speeded by the ability to send information and records electronically verses phone calls or request fax. Also our ability to measure or track changes in your status between visits has been heightened as well.

One of our changes to “electronic” we are thrilled with is the ability to share key information with you; many of you have looked at educational and/or update information by iPad that we have uploaded. We will be enhancing use of videos and educational materials over coming months.

Lung Center of America has made the transition to electronic records, balancing our requirement of personal attention to your care with the benefits of electronic records.

We are dedicated to maintaining this balance with emphasis on you and your relationship with our office.



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